A LOT has been goin on the past few weeks.
(not in descending order, as some thing are easier to do before others.)
- bolting everything onto the blacktop. intake mani and all that jazz. exhaust mani with turbo and all that fun stuff.
- taka and circuit sports turbo lines for t28 installed.
- Greddy Suction kit with z32 maf adapter installed.
- Greddy piping for s15 specR turbo to s13 SR20DET installed.
- new clutch kit, resurfaced flywheel. re attach the tranny.
- dropped motor back in.
- hookin all the wiring back up.
- removed diff, put in new diff with nismo 2way in it, also 5 bolt axels.
- ecu is now tuned for all mods/upgrades.
- z32 maf all wired up.
- Sard 550 injectors all wired up.
- FMIC installed.
- Koyo rad with Circuit sports rad hoses installed.
much more, thats just what i can think of off the top of my head.
things to do.
- tighten odds and ends of things. (FMIC piping mainly)
- put driveshaft back together and bolt it all up.
- vacuum hoses.
- fluids.
- prime motor. see what happens. probably run into some cam angle sensor issues.. so there will be some trouble shooting to do there.
some pics for fun.