but then it got ugly. the snow got dirty and wasn't going away anytime soon. streets were in desperate need of plowing. i remember spending a good 4 hours late one night with my bro's and dad helpin people just get off our street! good times.
anyways. that was winter. today was HOT. i'm in the roofing business so being up there is like workin in an oven all day. sittin on a cooking sheet and not gettin flipped over so your back just BAAAAAKES. i love it tho. get to be outside, meet new people all the time, work with my hands, and actually get to provide a great service to people. cuz i'm a legit worker in the roofing business. i know lots of companies are out there rippin people off and it sucks. sucks for the customers and the legit workers out there cuz we get a bad rep cuz of them! i treat the customer's home like its my own. i don't want my roof leaking. so i do what needs to be done so it don't leak. (good english like my brother clark)
and actually i never liked summer that much until liz came into my life. now i LOVE summer! we do so many awesome things together in summer and its the greatest time ever. whenever i even think of summer i'm always reminded of the first summer i spent chasing her which eventually led to our relationship. days at the lake. passing the throwing disc around. our first "unofficial" date where we were the 2 "singles" with 2 other couples. we had a blast tho! man. cars, snowboarding, everything. every thing comes and goes. that's why they are things. but love. true love. i believe in that stuff. it lasts forever. you gotta look after it tho. you gotta always pursue it. dang this entry is gettin long and deep. time to cut the embilly cord. this baby is done for today.
a pic from the first summer spent with liz. us at the fireworks!