surfing - so fun. 8 stitches to the chin! thx board! horray for travel insurance!
camping with the pops - dust off your shoes and on to the next town. work hard and relax harder.
camping on the island - beach, nap, rain, hotdogs. awesome times.
then i got major sick. h1 n1 garbage and strep throat. awesome. almost died waking up and barely being able to breathe cuz my throat was swollen almost shut lol.
work has been alright. gonna be switching careers. pretty stoked about it. gonna be raising sunken concrete with "True North Concrete Lifting". run by a couple of real solid christian guys. looking forward to some steady work.
uhh pictures.. i'll have to update once i get em off of liz.
*updated with pics*
one of the only pics of me i've come across from the surf/camping trip down in oregon. this is at the dunes. photo taken by clint O.

liz and i on the ferry ride over to the island for some more camping.

i guess someone was spying on us.. photo taken by kelly S.

fisheye fun with liz and i on the the beachzor.

friends along for the journey. ben and shylo at the front, and matt and kelly in the rear.

more fisheye funness.


car stuff. mmm mounted some 235/40's onto my 17x10+12 fno1rc's and i'm rockin those on the rear of the car. great fitment, wish i could go lower tho. need new coils :( thinking about selling my other wheels and gettin a full paint job.. hmmm :)
some car pics, cuz i always have those on hand :D