so last saturday i got to go down to a professional drift event down at evergreen raceway in monroe, "Formula D" (d is for drift). soooo rad. cool cars gettin sideways all day. we could even go walk the pits and chat to all the drivers. it was a pretty good course layout. a long straight into a big sweeping righthand banked turn. i think the pro drivers were hitting the first corner at speeds around 120ish mph. pretty intense. that corner is what starts it all off and then they link into a double left with a straight in the middle and then into a short right. there were a couple of hard wrecks. crowd pleasers lol. some awesome drifting tho. they were running 2 cars at once, otherwise known as "tandem". the lead car sets the tone with his line. being as agressive and precise as he can so the following car will have a harder time keeping up and scoring. the chaser car scores by being close to the lead car but not touching. if he rubs, or crashes into him, the chaser loses that round. they run 2 times each, so each driver gets to lead once. if there is no decision made by the judges on who was the better driver, they make em run again. drivers make mistakes both leading and chasing. so making a mistake leading will cost you points and let the chaser make up some points. throughout the course there are "clipping points". points in the corner where your car must be sideways, because you have to be drifting. the closer you are to these points the better. sometimes the clipping points are on the outside of the corner or the inside. depending on course layout and desired line. its not a race. the fastest car across the finish line doesn't win. most "drift battles" are won at the first corner. the chaser either gets right on the other car's door or, the leader loses the chaser in his smoke and lays down a real aggressive clean line.
exciting sport.
loud, cool, raw cars. cool being purely in the eye of the beholder.
expensive yes. if you do it at the pro level, even more so.
can't wait to go again!
*pics coming*
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
canned double you tee eph.
so last monday my work decided to GIVE ME my two weeks notice. wtf. seriously. long story short, i was supposed to be stickin around for a few years. this is what we talked about 8 months ago. they were stoked that i was committing and things looked bright. welllllll... changed their minds i guess. its not like i screwed somethin up or something. i was late once. never had a sick day. never complained or nothin. ah well. god gave me that job and looks like he doesn't want or need me to work there anymore. i learned lots and got to build a really great friendship with my pal josh. we had many good times at work and he's helped me and given me so much great advice and insight into a lot of things. i'm pretty sure thats one reason he had me work there. but, the main reason was so liz and i could get hitched! the income from that job helped me a lot for where i was at in life. as well as being able to settle into work (so i thought lol).
liz gave me some super encouraging words the following evening which picked me right up and threw me high. we talked about our plan of movin to japan (oh ya, we wanna live in japan in the next 2.5-3 years. liz wants to teach ESL and i wanna get into import/exporting) and plans for school and courses for me! i was a little worried that her dad would be choked at me but she said they talked and he thought being laid off was the best thing that could happen to me work wise. he said i'm much too bright and such to be workin a labour job.
so here liz and i sit. freshly married, no jobs. little bit of money to get us by for a few months. liz is goin in for an interview tomorrow for this neighbourhood art studios art instructor position. hopefully she nails it. she's a super talented artist and such a great person. she'd be perfect for it. pray for her please.
life's awesome tho. i love wakin up beside liz. its the best. i'm so glad she's my bestfriend too. we have lots of fun each day. silly jokes and great times. so happy we got married.
oh ya i got another tattoo today too. 2 japanese characters. done in an ancient style of japanese caligraphy called "sousho". its a very flowing and curving style of writing. most japanese people can't even read it. they too have to study to be able to read and write it. the characters mean "bravery" and "courage" and can be literally translated to "brave spirit". they are on my left forearm on the the underside. so happy i finally got it done. i've loved both of the characters for a long time and wanted it for just as long. i'll get some pics up later once the bandage comes off.
pray for us with work and life. its always in god's hands and i wouldn't have it any other way.
liz gave me some super encouraging words the following evening which picked me right up and threw me high. we talked about our plan of movin to japan (oh ya, we wanna live in japan in the next 2.5-3 years. liz wants to teach ESL and i wanna get into import/exporting) and plans for school and courses for me! i was a little worried that her dad would be choked at me but she said they talked and he thought being laid off was the best thing that could happen to me work wise. he said i'm much too bright and such to be workin a labour job.
so here liz and i sit. freshly married, no jobs. little bit of money to get us by for a few months. liz is goin in for an interview tomorrow for this neighbourhood art studios art instructor position. hopefully she nails it. she's a super talented artist and such a great person. she'd be perfect for it. pray for her please.
life's awesome tho. i love wakin up beside liz. its the best. i'm so glad she's my bestfriend too. we have lots of fun each day. silly jokes and great times. so happy we got married.
oh ya i got another tattoo today too. 2 japanese characters. done in an ancient style of japanese caligraphy called "sousho". its a very flowing and curving style of writing. most japanese people can't even read it. they too have to study to be able to read and write it. the characters mean "bravery" and "courage" and can be literally translated to "brave spirit". they are on my left forearm on the the underside. so happy i finally got it done. i've loved both of the characters for a long time and wanted it for just as long. i'll get some pics up later once the bandage comes off.
pray for us with work and life. its always in god's hands and i wouldn't have it any other way.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
greece lightning!
yaaaaaa we got to honeymoon in greece! it was awesome! so gorgeous and so much fun. we loved every second of it.
flying there was pretty crazy. about 18 hours of flight time. van to montreal. montreal to munich. and munich to athens. couple lay overs here and there. once we landed in athens we were baaaagged. so tired. we crashed at like 4:30 pm their time. which i think is like 9 hours ahead of vancouver. we got up at like 6 in the morn and went out for a walk. it was soooo nice out. and stayed that way pretty much the entire time. i think we had a total of 3 hours of cloud coverage the entire trip. we spent 3 days in athens, 3 in mykonos, and 3 more in athens. in athens we spent a lot time exploring downtown and chillin at cafes. we went to this amazing museum of the acropolis. it was so cool. so many old statues and stuff from ancient greece and greek mythology. i love that stuff. zues and the gods. heroes like perseus and acheillies. we also went up this mountain and checked out an ancient temple for athena and the parthenon. also. amazing.
we also spent a lot of time at the beaches. pretty much a different beach location everyday. our hotel was close to the coast so we would use the tram and subway system to get everywhere. or just walk. lots of the that. we then went to one of the islands close by called mykonos. it was sooo gorgeous there. all the buildings were white and layed out all cool. staggered amongst the hills. our hotel there was amazing. perfect view of the beach and water and surrounding buildings. we were definately sad to leave there.
a few more days back in athens. found the major shopping streets and a bunch more cool cafes and restaurants. again, sad to leave.. flying back was loooong. we flew on the first flight that air canada had ever done directly from greece to canada. i guess it was a big deal for their company but they could have used a better plane.. especially since it was 10 hours. our plane was definately from the mid 80's. crappy projector tv. and old seats. we were happy when that flight ended lol. landed in toronto, and then flew to montreal. which doesn't make sense but thats what expedia had us do. then montreal to van. again like 18 hours of flight time. zero lay over tho. we almost didn't make the flight to van from montreal. our plane was late landing so we ran to the next terminal and we were the absolute last people getting on. good thing we only had carry on luggage. liz suggested we travel that way and i was quite happy we did. we made that flight and made it home. started traveling at 12 athens time and came home around 11 vancouver time. felt good to be home tho.

flying there was pretty crazy. about 18 hours of flight time. van to montreal. montreal to munich. and munich to athens. couple lay overs here and there. once we landed in athens we were baaaagged. so tired. we crashed at like 4:30 pm their time. which i think is like 9 hours ahead of vancouver. we got up at like 6 in the morn and went out for a walk. it was soooo nice out. and stayed that way pretty much the entire time. i think we had a total of 3 hours of cloud coverage the entire trip. we spent 3 days in athens, 3 in mykonos, and 3 more in athens. in athens we spent a lot time exploring downtown and chillin at cafes. we went to this amazing museum of the acropolis. it was so cool. so many old statues and stuff from ancient greece and greek mythology. i love that stuff. zues and the gods. heroes like perseus and acheillies. we also went up this mountain and checked out an ancient temple for athena and the parthenon. also. amazing.
we also spent a lot of time at the beaches. pretty much a different beach location everyday. our hotel was close to the coast so we would use the tram and subway system to get everywhere. or just walk. lots of the that. we then went to one of the islands close by called mykonos. it was sooo gorgeous there. all the buildings were white and layed out all cool. staggered amongst the hills. our hotel there was amazing. perfect view of the beach and water and surrounding buildings. we were definately sad to leave there.
a few more days back in athens. found the major shopping streets and a bunch more cool cafes and restaurants. again, sad to leave.. flying back was loooong. we flew on the first flight that air canada had ever done directly from greece to canada. i guess it was a big deal for their company but they could have used a better plane.. especially since it was 10 hours. our plane was definately from the mid 80's. crappy projector tv. and old seats. we were happy when that flight ended lol. landed in toronto, and then flew to montreal. which doesn't make sense but thats what expedia had us do. then montreal to van. again like 18 hours of flight time. zero lay over tho. we almost didn't make the flight to van from montreal. our plane was late landing so we ran to the next terminal and we were the absolute last people getting on. good thing we only had carry on luggage. liz suggested we travel that way and i was quite happy we did. we made that flight and made it home. started traveling at 12 athens time and came home around 11 vancouver time. felt good to be home tho.

off WITH a hitch.
soooo i'm bad at blogging and don't do it too often or sometimes i'm late with who cares.
sunday, may 23rd was THEE day. yup. liz and i got hitched! yippeee!! it was an amazing wedding and so much thanks go out to all who helped with every thing. we had a blast, i'm sure our guests enjoyed it also. everything looked so perfect and the ceremony went so good. we had a little rain and had to move everything indoors, but it actually made for a more cozy, intimate atmosphere. well, thats what i think. we dont have all our pictures back, but there are lots circulating the net from facebook and such. can't wait to get our from the photographer tho. she was great. so relaxed and professional. there is a teaser up on her blog of our pics. so we know she took great pics.
liiiiiiiz looked amazing. my goodness. aw and she ended up thrashing her dress by the end of day but didn't care one bit! i was holding back tears the entire time before she got to the front. i knew if i started to cry i wouldn't be able to stop right away and would hold things up. once she was up front i calmed down a bit. we did our thing up there, kissed the bride. it was perfect. so happy!
aaaand i don't need to blog about after everyone went home lol.
update with pictures.

more pics later..
sunday, may 23rd was THEE day. yup. liz and i got hitched! yippeee!! it was an amazing wedding and so much thanks go out to all who helped with every thing. we had a blast, i'm sure our guests enjoyed it also. everything looked so perfect and the ceremony went so good. we had a little rain and had to move everything indoors, but it actually made for a more cozy, intimate atmosphere. well, thats what i think. we dont have all our pictures back, but there are lots circulating the net from facebook and such. can't wait to get our from the photographer tho. she was great. so relaxed and professional. there is a teaser up on her blog of our pics. so we know she took great pics.
liiiiiiiz looked amazing. my goodness. aw and she ended up thrashing her dress by the end of day but didn't care one bit! i was holding back tears the entire time before she got to the front. i knew if i started to cry i wouldn't be able to stop right away and would hold things up. once she was up front i calmed down a bit. we did our thing up there, kissed the bride. it was perfect. so happy!
aaaand i don't need to blog about after everyone went home lol.
update with pictures.

more pics later..
Monday, May 10, 2010
out with the old..
a picture can say a thousand words. so here's a picture.

yup, thats the garage at the ol' parent's house. where my car used to rest. it was comfortable there. sheltered from the elements. patiently awaiting any attention i would give it. quiet. when it wasn't boosting around local neighbourhoods and highways. eating honda preludes, g35's and 350z for an evening snack.. or sliding around corners, rain, shine or darkness. clutch kicking, e-braking and playing on the throttle to bring us such amusement. or eagerly waiting for its next mod, hoping to squeak me out a little more horsepower or make it that much more "my car." I built a little drift machine. a road monster. a custom car. a work of art. (in my eyes at least ha!) many fun times were had with the little orange car. the car has come to an end for now, but the fun times will never. and really i don't owe my "fun" or "joy" or anything for that matter, to this world. this world is filled with things, stuff, people, places that are fun, yes. but i owe all that is good to the one that created it and gave his son for me. God. and with out Jesus, there would be nothing.
i see it like this. its all his stuff and things anyways. so he'll do what he wants with it. he blessed me with that car and now its time for it to go. it had a short time and served its purpose. i'm not sad.
i'm excited. cuz i already know what god's blessed me with next. liz.
she's in south carolina right now for her sister's graduation. Laura is a nerse. CONGRATS LAURA! she put in some hard time hittin the books and being away from home for all her schooling. she met her fiance at school too! they're gettin hitched in august i believe.
aaaand yikes. its like 2 weeks and liz and i will be hitched! AWESOME. we got little things to sort out still, but the major things are handled. liz has been so amazing in handling most of the details. she was doing all that and school. she's such a great worker. man i love her to bits.
well. time for me to hit the hay. i've been up since 530, and its 11:11 now. (make a wish) glad i got my car outta the garage tonight tho. it was worth the extra effort.

yup, thats the garage at the ol' parent's house. where my car used to rest. it was comfortable there. sheltered from the elements. patiently awaiting any attention i would give it. quiet. when it wasn't boosting around local neighbourhoods and highways. eating honda preludes, g35's and 350z for an evening snack.. or sliding around corners, rain, shine or darkness. clutch kicking, e-braking and playing on the throttle to bring us such amusement. or eagerly waiting for its next mod, hoping to squeak me out a little more horsepower or make it that much more "my car." I built a little drift machine. a road monster. a custom car. a work of art. (in my eyes at least ha!) many fun times were had with the little orange car. the car has come to an end for now, but the fun times will never. and really i don't owe my "fun" or "joy" or anything for that matter, to this world. this world is filled with things, stuff, people, places that are fun, yes. but i owe all that is good to the one that created it and gave his son for me. God. and with out Jesus, there would be nothing.
i see it like this. its all his stuff and things anyways. so he'll do what he wants with it. he blessed me with that car and now its time for it to go. it had a short time and served its purpose. i'm not sad.
i'm excited. cuz i already know what god's blessed me with next. liz.
she's in south carolina right now for her sister's graduation. Laura is a nerse. CONGRATS LAURA! she put in some hard time hittin the books and being away from home for all her schooling. she met her fiance at school too! they're gettin hitched in august i believe.
aaaand yikes. its like 2 weeks and liz and i will be hitched! AWESOME. we got little things to sort out still, but the major things are handled. liz has been so amazing in handling most of the details. she was doing all that and school. she's such a great worker. man i love her to bits.
well. time for me to hit the hay. i've been up since 530, and its 11:11 now. (make a wish) glad i got my car outta the garage tonight tho. it was worth the extra effort.
Friday, April 23, 2010
t-minus one month
whooooooooaaaaaaaaaaa! time is flying! been pretty crazy the last few months. wedding planning, man so much to do. liz does most of it and i try to help. key word "try". :( she's doing an amazing job tho. plus she's been crazy busy with school. i've been slowing parting out my car. its on jack stands now with no wheels on and most of the engine torn down and front fenders and hood off. things are going well tho.
liz and i found a place to live last month! renting a nice little coach house in the sullivan heights area. we love it. nice dark wood floors. nicely finished mouldings and lighting. stainless steel appliances, and the whole place is less than a year old and only had one renter for 6 months. a nice little place to call our own for a bit. stoked on this place so much!
wedding is gonna be pretty fun. a lot of our great friends will be there and of course our families. my one friend JF is flying from quebec for it! and some other friends will be just get home the saturday night before the big sunday morning. man, i have great friends!
oh we got some engagement photos done last week by a friend of liz's. jamie delaine. she's a really nice girl with a gift for photography. check her blog out at our photos are back a few entry's.
some picssahs.

liz and i found a place to live last month! renting a nice little coach house in the sullivan heights area. we love it. nice dark wood floors. nicely finished mouldings and lighting. stainless steel appliances, and the whole place is less than a year old and only had one renter for 6 months. a nice little place to call our own for a bit. stoked on this place so much!
wedding is gonna be pretty fun. a lot of our great friends will be there and of course our families. my one friend JF is flying from quebec for it! and some other friends will be just get home the saturday night before the big sunday morning. man, i have great friends!
oh we got some engagement photos done last week by a friend of liz's. jamie delaine. she's a really nice girl with a gift for photography. check her blog out at our photos are back a few entry's.
some picssahs.

Sunday, January 24, 2010
curb biter.
crashed again. a little more serious this time. snapped a tension rod for sure (i could see it) and possibly bent the control arm (i hope not..). bent another front wheel. fixable tho. its all fixable. jus sucks cuz thats my only set of wheels to get around.
man am i blessed to have great friends. they totally bailed me out tonight. bryce had a flat deck trailer that we used. ramps. they worked awesome, even for my low car. tie downs. man.. god had his hands on it all for sure. awesome. thx big guy. josh and david pushed my car up the ramps too! cuz it was slippin on the wood and gettin sketch. those dudes are legit.
pics to come soon. right now its 3:22am and i gotta get up for church at 8.
oh drifting.. too much fun. thx again bryce david and josh. bailed me out major!
man am i blessed to have great friends. they totally bailed me out tonight. bryce had a flat deck trailer that we used. ramps. they worked awesome, even for my low car. tie downs. man.. god had his hands on it all for sure. awesome. thx big guy. josh and david pushed my car up the ramps too! cuz it was slippin on the wood and gettin sketch. those dudes are legit.
pics to come soon. right now its 3:22am and i gotta get up for church at 8.
oh drifting.. too much fun. thx again bryce david and josh. bailed me out major!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
rejj gestured.
went to the mall with liz on monday. also known as yesterday. did a little thing known as gift registration at the bay for the wedding. pretty fun. i wish i could do that everywhere. we hit up the photo booth too. (liz's fav.) we'll be back for more scanning adventures for sure.

no luck sellin the car yet.. not the best time to be selling a sports car anywho. on the other note been havin lots of fun driving it! especially when its slippery out *wink *wink. got a friend from work to do some welding for me up front. we made some custom supports/brackets for the FMIC. it used to be kinda sketchy (broke a bracket that came with the kit during some spirited driving) but now its in snug as a bug in a rug. tightend up my exhaust bolts (had an exhaust leak goin on.) cuz it scrapes everywhere hanging 2 inches from the ground.
been lacking in the pic department lately, so i'll throw up a bunch of fun car pics.
in japan they still love the hatch backs! 180sx for all! (USDM 240sx hatchback)

you hit the wall, don't worry. you're still a cool cat.

hardcore Falken Tire demo somewhere in Europe. yaa thats legit alright. Tokyo Drift real life style.

the more colours the better i think. adds character. along with drift battle scars.

straight up awesome old datsun. just need a decent motor to smoke the tires and i'm happy. leave the exterior as is.

no luck sellin the car yet.. not the best time to be selling a sports car anywho. on the other note been havin lots of fun driving it! especially when its slippery out *wink *wink. got a friend from work to do some welding for me up front. we made some custom supports/brackets for the FMIC. it used to be kinda sketchy (broke a bracket that came with the kit during some spirited driving) but now its in snug as a bug in a rug. tightend up my exhaust bolts (had an exhaust leak goin on.) cuz it scrapes everywhere hanging 2 inches from the ground.
been lacking in the pic department lately, so i'll throw up a bunch of fun car pics.
in japan they still love the hatch backs! 180sx for all! (USDM 240sx hatchback)

you hit the wall, don't worry. you're still a cool cat.

hardcore Falken Tire demo somewhere in Europe. yaa thats legit alright. Tokyo Drift real life style.

the more colours the better i think. adds character. along with drift battle scars.

straight up awesome old datsun. just need a decent motor to smoke the tires and i'm happy. leave the exterior as is.

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